4Archive archives automatically content from 4chan and uploads it to imgur. The on-demand archiving is disabled ever since then.Ħ. Originally it began as an on-demand 4chan threads archiver until it was shut down.
differs from other 4chan archives by not using Fuuka nor Asagi, but by using custom hand-made scripts to archive data. Please disable AdBlock and similar addons - by doing so you insure this project's future, since I'll be able to pay the hosting bills.ĥ. This archive is using an own database - 4Archive's DB dump as well as newly archived threads. This website used to be under 4ChanArchives.cu.cc until when I got the 4archive domain name from it's ex-owner.ģ. This is an automatic 4chan archive - all of the content was originally posted there! If you need a poster's details e-mail them.Ģ.